Project Description

PatientsWatch is Xpos’s pharmacy management system that empowers pharmacies to meet demands while enhancing efficiency and profitability.

It provides centralised system management, prescription data processing, and workflow optimised for small and medium sized retail pharmacies. Other benefits include:

Streamline and optimise efficiency of operations.
Robust reporting, integrated inventory, database management, and Enhanced Refill Processing (ERP) allow pharmacies to streamline operations and manage administrative tasks with ease. Pharmacists can both evaluate drug usage and link sales with inventory, triggering reorders as required.

PatientsWatch has a pharmacist-friendly interface, is easy to manage, and can be integrated with enterprise applications.

Patient-centric approach.
PatientsWatch dramatically increases accuracy, and helps manage patient expectations by organising fulfilment based on promised delivery time. Additionally, the centralised database provides access to a complete patient profile, allowing pharmacists the time and information necessary to have meaningful customer interactions. History of patient visits are easily accessible and alerts are triggered if, for example, a prescription is submitted for a drug for which the patient is contra-indicated.