Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

At Xpos, we believe in developing our ecosystem which includes both environment and community. We aim to positively affect our key stakeholders beyond the products and services we offer by helping improve our environment and society at large.

InfoSec-2-2Information Security

Xpos classifies information as assets to be protected, and takes appropriate safeguarding measures based on vulnerability and risk analysis. We believe the pervasive use of digital information and computer networks behooves businesses to strengthen security if they are to maintain public trust. We have developed and adopted information security processes and procedures internally some of which we hope to encourage our clients to adopt – one project at a time.

teamworkxGiving back to the community

Xpos believes that success is not only a reward- it’s a responsibility. We continue our quest to “share the love” with the less privileged in our society. We do this through a combination of supporting chartable local organisations, teaching people to be able to help themselves, and fundraising. We have also established alliances with a couple of NGOs in Canada and in the UK to provide educational materials to schools in Sierra Leone.

The UK-based charitable organisation, World Changing Centre, is one of the vehicles through which Xpos will be supporting the Sierra Leone community.

bigstockphoto Keeping The Environment Clean 3717700Environmental

Xpos plans to be forefront in developing systems that assure the negative impact of the operations of businesses on the environment is minimised. We take pride in being an environmentally friendly firm developing systems that minimise the need for paper use, recommending hardware with low power consumptions, and encouraging the use of solar energy when it is affordable.